
December 2024 - WORST CASE PRICING!

In most cases we will match competitors quotes!

We highly recommend that you book an in-person assessment or provide photos for a more precise quote. Here are rough “worst case” price guides for a small sample of our services to help you plan. These prices are “all in” aside from tax. We will not typically charge higher than these prices, however we are most often well below them. We have provided these as a guide for you to compare and plan.

Note: These prices do not include VIP, business, or other promotional discounts. 


Unwanted Item Removal - Pickup Truck Prices
1/2 Truck Load $99
Full Truck Load $125

Unwanted Item Removal - Dump Trailer Prices
Our trailers are 12'x4'x7' (roughly 10-12 refrigerators).
1/4 Trailer $145
1/3 Trailer $175
1/2 Trailer $315
2/3 Trailer $415
3/4 Trailer $475
Full Trailer $595 

 Prices are based on the load size and include the cost of crew, time and materials. They are modified as we perform the assessment and quote.

Commercial and chronic disorganization (hoarding) rates are T&M minus blended trailer rate.


Courier Service
Within Perimeter $39.99
Past Perimeter $1.25/km base rate with minimum charge of 39.99
Additional Stops $10
Call for additional rates and discounts


LTL Freight
Rates are based on a few factors such as weight, handling and insurance but you can expect between $0.35-$1.95/km base rate  before modifiers. Fuel surcharges may apply.


For our other services such as cleaning, and B2B logistics, please contact us.